Private Life of a Cat
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- Publication date
- 1947
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- Public Domain
- Topics
- Animals: Cats, Animals: Behavior, Psychology
- Item Size
- 1.5G
Alexander Hammid's intimate study of a female cat and the birth and maturation of her five kittens.
- Addeddate
- 2002-07-16 00:00:00
- Ccnum
- asr
- Closed captioning
- no
- Color
- B&W
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- Identifier
- PrivateL1947
- Identifier-commp
- baga6ea4seaqckhgz5r5kx3gfkjdthmuqvx7a3n7vmjqwardfdnp7wbm7jx6ssby
- Run time
- 22:01
- Sound
- Si
- Type
- MovingImage
- Whisper_asr_module_skipped
- No audio stream.
- Whisper_asr_module_version
- 20230805.01
juan lopez172
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 12, 2024
Subject: ay gatos
Subject: ay gatos
ay gatos, además gatos de 1947, lo cual los hace mejores que los gatos actuales, 5 estrellas, lo volvería a ver.
Dodsworth the Cat
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
February 6, 2024
Subject: Aw, Kittens
Subject: Aw, Kittens
Long before cat videos on the internet came this film.
A 1956 article in the Washington Star reported this was screened at WTOP and the film projection ... room was filled twice by people wanting to see it. That's after it aired on Omnibus in January.
It was more notorious than anything else.
Variety of April 1948 reports the film was banned by the New York state censor as "indecent" because it showed kittens being born. Ten years later, the Schools Motion Picture Committee, a group of New York parents, declared the film suitable for kids 8 to 14. Go figure.
Documentarian Alexander Hammid manages to, quite well, get a cat's eye view of things, using only one camera.
No cat owners are seen, but they have conveniently left a box lined with newspapers for birthing, milk in a saucer and a scratching post.
According to the April 1947 edition of Popular Photography, the film had a soundtrack.
If you're not into cats, this may bore you, but it's worth watching just for the direction.
A 1956 article in the Washington Star reported this was screened at WTOP and the film projection ... room was filled twice by people wanting to see it. That's after it aired on Omnibus in January.
It was more notorious than anything else.
Variety of April 1948 reports the film was banned by the New York state censor as "indecent" because it showed kittens being born. Ten years later, the Schools Motion Picture Committee, a group of New York parents, declared the film suitable for kids 8 to 14. Go figure.
Documentarian Alexander Hammid manages to, quite well, get a cat's eye view of things, using only one camera.
No cat owners are seen, but they have conveniently left a box lined with newspapers for birthing, milk in a saucer and a scratching post.
According to the April 1947 edition of Popular Photography, the film had a soundtrack.
If you're not into cats, this may bore you, but it's worth watching just for the direction.
Not the real Mike S
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 1, 2024 (edited)
Subject: Where's my money?
Subject: Where's my money?
Darlene is left alone to have her babies. One day, Rudy, shows up.
"Rudy, where's my money?"
"What you talking bout, Darlene? I aine got no ... money."
"Well, you better get some for your babies."
"Those aine my babies Darlene."
"Yes day are. 4 of them look just like you."
"Not that other one. That one looks like Darnell."
"No, Rudy. They all your babies. Now where's my money."
"Well, I'll get it. Let me come over there and lick your ears."
"Uuh uh. No. You gotta pay for these babies before you get anymore. And don't bring around no half a mouse."
"How bout I get you a squirrel?"
"No, Rudy. I want my money. And if you don't get it, I'll have to talk to Darnell."
"Darnell aine got no money."
"Darnell got a job. He got money."
"Oh, baby don't be like that. Lemme bite your neck."
"Get off me, Rudy. Let go my neck."
A few moments later.
"Oh baby, you know I love you."
"Oh, Rudy. You so sweet."
Hey baby. I gotta fly. And I get you your money."
"Oh, Rudy, stay a while."
"I can't baby. But, I see you around."
"Rudy, where's my money?"
"What you talking bout, Darlene? I aine got no ... money."
"Well, you better get some for your babies."
"Those aine my babies Darlene."
"Yes day are. 4 of them look just like you."
"Not that other one. That one looks like Darnell."
"No, Rudy. They all your babies. Now where's my money."
"Well, I'll get it. Let me come over there and lick your ears."
"Uuh uh. No. You gotta pay for these babies before you get anymore. And don't bring around no half a mouse."
"How bout I get you a squirrel?"
"No, Rudy. I want my money. And if you don't get it, I'll have to talk to Darnell."
"Darnell aine got no money."
"Darnell got a job. He got money."
"Oh, baby don't be like that. Lemme bite your neck."
"Get off me, Rudy. Let go my neck."
A few moments later.
"Oh baby, you know I love you."
"Oh, Rudy. You so sweet."
Hey baby. I gotta fly. And I get you your money."
"Oh, Rudy, stay a while."
"I can't baby. But, I see you around."
Elaine Valdes
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 2, 2023
Subject: for all the crazy cat ladies
Subject: for all the crazy cat ladies
sooo cute, brilliant piece of feline history
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 1, 2023 (edited)
A video so good that I'm currently making a graduate school presentation about it.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 24, 2022
Subject: cats
Subject: cats
we take off our hats.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 27, 2021
Subject: A very charming look at a cat family
Subject: A very charming look at a cat family
Cat family dynamics, birthing, babies, mom and dad cat, kittens learning... it's sweet and educational. It's especially nice seeing the tom cat involved
in his kittens' lives. In my experience, they usually do take an interest in their own families. I hope they all had good lives. Ignore the reviewer below whose main complaint seems to be that cats are not dogs...*facepalm*
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 8, 2019
Subject: Cats are better than people tho
Subject: Cats are better than people tho
Cats: because humans suck.
C.R.E.A.M. yo, Cats Rule Everything Around Me.
Cats Not Brats.
For the Glory of Bastet!!!
C.R.E.A.M. yo, Cats Rule Everything Around Me.
Cats Not Brats.
For the Glory of Bastet!!!
favorite -
December 20, 2018
Subject: By bored & boring for boring & bored
Subject: By bored & boring for boring & bored
Nothing interesting, this doc is for furry afficionados only. If there were dogs in it, it would no doubt be more watchable.
"dogs are great actors ... when trained, but cats are natural stars" - said some furry fetishist below. Wake up puss lover! Can you name one actual cat star as famous as Rin Tin Tin, Spike, Skippy or Beethoven? No? I though so. See, dogs can actually act and convey emotions, while cats just loiter about looking bored... which is boring for any regular viewer.
The disappointment is even bigger as I expected to see a bit of Maya Deren's genius in it, and it's just not there. This cat tripe just doesn't compare to her other films.
"dogs are great actors ... when trained, but cats are natural stars" - said some furry fetishist below. Wake up puss lover! Can you name one actual cat star as famous as Rin Tin Tin, Spike, Skippy or Beethoven? No? I though so. See, dogs can actually act and convey emotions, while cats just loiter about looking bored... which is boring for any regular viewer.
The disappointment is even bigger as I expected to see a bit of Maya Deren's genius in it, and it's just not there. This cat tripe just doesn't compare to her other films.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 5, 2017
Subject: beautiful work
Subject: beautiful work
I love the delicate expression on the mother cat's face.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 26, 2014
Subject: Excellent
Subject: Excellent
Shows birth in progress, mother cat teaching kittens how to be cats. Tom participates in grooming, play, is curious about his brood. Darling film.
Dmitri Gheorgheni
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 23, 2012
Subject: A Rowring Good Time
Subject: A Rowring Good Time
I would compare this to the work of Joe Camp, without the need for training, because - let's face it - dogs are great actors when trained, but cats are
natural stars. The animal's-eye view is striking. You don't need sound if you know cats. You know exactly what she's saying. I particularly enjoyed the sly humour. Thanks to other reviewers for the background on the cinematographer - I'm now going on a search for the elusive Mr Hammid.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 5, 2012 (edited)
Subject: Great Hammid Cinematography
Subject: Great Hammid Cinematography
Great documentary following the stages of the life of a cat. I recommend this download for anyone interested in cats or fine cinematography. It is a fine
companion the book on cats by cultural anthropologist/sociobioligist Desmond Morris (The Naked Ape), "Catwatching and Cat Lore," from 1986. What Hammid beautifully portrays on film, Morris explains in print. Great short film, 5 stars. Thank you Internet Archive.
Love the cinematography by Czechoslovakian-born filmmaker Alexandr Hackenschmied, aka Alexander Hammid, aka Hackensmid. The tone and texture, as usual in his work, is as smooth as 35mm ASA 12 portrait film.
After seeing his work as cinematographer on the 1941 documentary film "The Forgotten Village" (Screenplay by John Steinbeck, narration by Burgess Meridith) and entranced by his style, I very recently began private research on this man and found Mr. Hackenschmied comes to us under more names than an Internet sockpuppet (Sasha, buddy, where ya been all my life?). In "The Forgotten Village," he is credited as Alexander Hackensmid. In others, such as his early work in Czechoslovakia, he goes under an earlier name, Alexandr Hackenschmied. According to IMDB, his birth name was Alexander Siegfried Georg Smahel.
He was known as an avant-garde filmmaker and most of his American work was under the name of Alexander Hammid. This guy is great. I'm looking everywhere for his work. So far, I've found very little on the net for a person with such a large body of work. Wikipedia (written and maintained by his daughter, Julia) and IMDB are mournfully lacking in personal biographical details for such a interesting, fine artist.
I mean, c'mon, Julia. Where did he live after his arrival in '38? The Village? Connecticut? Did he arrive as a refugee (That was the year Hitler invaded the Sudenten)? If so, how did he get out? Did he have residuals coming in, or was he broke? Did he have help from an organization? Who did he hang with in Czechoslovakia? In America? Was there a circle of artists he preferred? Who were his lovers and wives? How did he get on The Forgotten Village team, did Steinbeck or Burgess suggest him? Did he hang with them later? What was his personal politics/philosophy?
Love the cinematography by Czechoslovakian-born filmmaker Alexandr Hackenschmied, aka Alexander Hammid, aka Hackensmid. The tone and texture, as usual in his work, is as smooth as 35mm ASA 12 portrait film.
After seeing his work as cinematographer on the 1941 documentary film "The Forgotten Village" (Screenplay by John Steinbeck, narration by Burgess Meridith) and entranced by his style, I very recently began private research on this man and found Mr. Hackenschmied comes to us under more names than an Internet sockpuppet (Sasha, buddy, where ya been all my life?). In "The Forgotten Village," he is credited as Alexander Hackensmid. In others, such as his early work in Czechoslovakia, he goes under an earlier name, Alexandr Hackenschmied. According to IMDB, his birth name was Alexander Siegfried Georg Smahel.
He was known as an avant-garde filmmaker and most of his American work was under the name of Alexander Hammid. This guy is great. I'm looking everywhere for his work. So far, I've found very little on the net for a person with such a large body of work. Wikipedia (written and maintained by his daughter, Julia) and IMDB are mournfully lacking in personal biographical details for such a interesting, fine artist.
I mean, c'mon, Julia. Where did he live after his arrival in '38? The Village? Connecticut? Did he arrive as a refugee (That was the year Hitler invaded the Sudenten)? If so, how did he get out? Did he have residuals coming in, or was he broke? Did he have help from an organization? Who did he hang with in Czechoslovakia? In America? Was there a circle of artists he preferred? Who were his lovers and wives? How did he get on The Forgotten Village team, did Steinbeck or Burgess suggest him? Did he hang with them later? What was his personal politics/philosophy?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 28, 2011 (edited)
Subject: This is why I'm feline-centric
Subject: This is why I'm feline-centric
Great film! Cat owner since 1962, (52 years old). Had about 50 cats and loved them all. Lost track of vet bills after about $35K. Dogs are OK, but I love
cats--fascinated by their gymnastics and behavior and interactions with each other. Many happy and sad memories. Have had some very close friendships with particular cats. Each has his/her own personality. Don't understand hatred of cat "independence" some people seem to be bothered by. They're not slavish like some dogs...OK...get over it. I'm a straight, married male and do feel a bit ashamed I prefer cats over dogs. Dogs are more macho. Although, a Siberian tiger can take any canine on the planet. Please support charities that care for feral cats and spay and nueter and release them. Always help out feral cats and adopt as many cats as you can handle. And always stick up for cats. Lot of cat-haters out there and cruel youngsters.
Albert Schlef
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 24, 2011
Subject: Nice.
Subject: Nice.
I downloaded this planning to save watching this for some other time, but once I started I was glued to the screen!
The wisdom (or "instincts") of ... animals is impressive.
The wisdom (or "instincts") of ... animals is impressive.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 15, 2011
Subject: A must have
Subject: A must have
Watch it for the gift that pets are to us, watch it for its theme of love and responsibility, watch it for the unquestionable skill of the film makers.
A short masterpiece for anyone of any age.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 12, 2011 (edited)
Subject: my kitteh sez
Subject: my kitteh sez
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 17, 2010
Subject: This is great.
Subject: This is great.
I can't think of anything more inherently elegant than cats.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 3, 2009
Subject: Cat Family
Subject: Cat Family
Been there, done that. I've had cats as pets for almost 40 years now (I'm 56). Kinda creepy knowing that this cat family is long dead, kinda cool knowing
that this particular cat family will live forever in cinematic history on the internet for people to enjoy.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 4, 2008
Subject: Another cat-related short you might like
Subject: Another cat-related short you might like
If you enjoy this, you also might enjoy "Three Little Kittens" (1938) also from the Prelinger Archives.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 27, 2007
Subject: Licking Lesson #1
Subject: Licking Lesson #1
Who Am I To Argue?.....I've Loved Pussies All My Life!....
Burnt Rich
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 3, 2007 (edited)
Beautiful cinematography and overall flow for 22 minutes of cat ogling. In 2007, Silence and black and white are so refreshing and reverent. Same reason
I love all those old Samurai flicks from the 50s and 60s. Such an antithesis to the definitive, hollow, neon glare of the modern
media juggernaut. I am a foster parent of abandoned and feral cats in Okanogan County , Washington. These cats are lucky they have such a safe, controlled environment to do their thing in. I was happy to see how Papa cat acted throughout the process. I never get to see Daddy w/ his kittens or his reactions in the work we do. What a gentleman! I have 4 beautiful kittens and a feral mama cat in my bedroom as I type. I trapped and rescued @ week 2 from an abandoned barn where I maintain 1 of my feral cat food/water stations--now we are starting week 5. As much fun as a barrel of monkeys!! Most of these kittens would not make it past the 6 month mark in the wild before meeting a tragic end, statiscally. SPAY and NEUTER!!!!! Your local Abandoned Cat Team and Shelters ALWAYS NEEDS $$$$ and volunteers to facilitate the rescue, feeding, vet costs, and the numerous others $$ and time involved in maintaining an organization that aids these forgotten and neglected animals. It is ironic that in the end male and female unite again and come back full-circle in the reality, mama cat WILL be in heat again 4-6 weeks after pregnancy if not spayed. Does she really want or need to do this all over again that soon? Especially in the wild--more work than her or the kittens usually have proper nutrition for! Multiply that by the amount the kittens and offspring will have and VOILA!--way too m any cats! Support you LOCAL HUMANE TRAP, NEUTER, RELEASE programs in your area!!!! If you love cats--VOLUNTEER LOCALLY!!!! for more links to helping out cats in your local area.
media juggernaut. I am a foster parent of abandoned and feral cats in Okanogan County , Washington. These cats are lucky they have such a safe, controlled environment to do their thing in. I was happy to see how Papa cat acted throughout the process. I never get to see Daddy w/ his kittens or his reactions in the work we do. What a gentleman! I have 4 beautiful kittens and a feral mama cat in my bedroom as I type. I trapped and rescued @ week 2 from an abandoned barn where I maintain 1 of my feral cat food/water stations--now we are starting week 5. As much fun as a barrel of monkeys!! Most of these kittens would not make it past the 6 month mark in the wild before meeting a tragic end, statiscally. SPAY and NEUTER!!!!! Your local Abandoned Cat Team and Shelters ALWAYS NEEDS $$$$ and volunteers to facilitate the rescue, feeding, vet costs, and the numerous others $$ and time involved in maintaining an organization that aids these forgotten and neglected animals. It is ironic that in the end male and female unite again and come back full-circle in the reality, mama cat WILL be in heat again 4-6 weeks after pregnancy if not spayed. Does she really want or need to do this all over again that soon? Especially in the wild--more work than her or the kittens usually have proper nutrition for! Multiply that by the amount the kittens and offspring will have and VOILA!--way too m any cats! Support you LOCAL HUMANE TRAP, NEUTER, RELEASE programs in your area!!!! If you love cats--VOLUNTEER LOCALLY!!!! for more links to helping out cats in your local area.
Julia H
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 17, 2006
Subject: correction to previous review by Marysz from July 14, 2004
Subject: correction to previous review by Marysz from July 14, 2004
Reviewer Marysz wrote:
"It could be that Deren did a lot of the filming and Hammid edited the final footage."
I can assure you that it is the ... other way around. Maya had the ideas and Sasha did the camera (and editing) work. Take a look at his later films and you will see the consistent, strong cinematography for which he became so well known.
"It could be that Deren did a lot of the filming and Hammid edited the final footage."
I can assure you that it is the ... other way around. Maya had the ideas and Sasha did the camera (and editing) work. Take a look at his later films and you will see the consistent, strong cinematography for which he became so well known.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 1, 2006
Subject: What a treat!!
Subject: What a treat!!
Beautiful silent film of love, love, love.
Send this to friends. Cat lovers must see this fine film! An EPIC...even if it is kitty porn.
Ok, ... so am I the first one on here to use this bad joke?
Send this to friends. Cat lovers must see this fine film! An EPIC...even if it is kitty porn.
Ok, ... so am I the first one on here to use this bad joke?
Love thy neighbour
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 30, 2006
If cat lovers do not watch this, then i may resort to violence!!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 29, 2006
Subject: Essential viewing for all cat fanciers
Subject: Essential viewing for all cat fanciers
The Private Life of a Cat features superb footage of two domestic cats welcoming a litter of kittens into the world. The endearing mannerisms that the
cats exhibit as they frolic about in their home make for wonderful entertainment. Don't hesitate to view this film, it's well worth your time!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 15, 2005
Subject: Stunning
Subject: Stunning
An absolute masterpiece. A must for any cat lover.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 24, 2005
Subject: Great Film
Subject: Great Film
There isn't too much to say, except that this is a great movie. It's incredible how they were able to follow the cats around like that...
Michael Loebenstein
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 20, 2005
Subject: A rare film
Subject: A rare film
Indeed, the fluidity of the camera work has a lot in common with Deren's early films. Mind you, it was Hammid (her then husband) who taught Maya Deren
cinematography. He, a czech-austrian film artist who fled Europe from fascism has then had a career of working in the movies; additionally he was the lone author, cameraman and editor of a beautiful experimental film AIMLESS WALK. In the US he shot Maya's MESHES... and AT LAND before they divorced.
There's several other films (educational and promotional) in the collection where Hammid is credited as a cameraman, editor or director, and all are worth watching. There's an excellent book (in german, though the long interview with Hammid is in english!) on him, TRIBUTE TO SASHA, published by the Austrian film critic and historian Michael Omasta (ISBN 3-901644-08-3). When preparing the book and a Hammid show in Austria we drew heavily on the Prelinger Collection to see some of these films for the very first time.
There's several other films (educational and promotional) in the collection where Hammid is credited as a cameraman, editor or director, and all are worth watching. There's an excellent book (in german, though the long interview with Hammid is in english!) on him, TRIBUTE TO SASHA, published by the Austrian film critic and historian Michael Omasta (ISBN 3-901644-08-3). When preparing the book and a Hammid show in Austria we drew heavily on the Prelinger Collection to see some of these films for the very first time.
tracey pooh
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 11, 2005
Subject: supercute
Subject: supercute
and quite interesting to see much of the
life of new kittens.
i'm impressed by how instictive the behaviour of the cats seem to be (even if some ... of the segments are have potential for a bit of being staged).
overall, a great watch!
life of new kittens.
i'm impressed by how instictive the behaviour of the cats seem to be (even if some ... of the segments are have potential for a bit of being staged).
overall, a great watch!
hart noecker
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
February 26, 2005
Subject: Are you retarded?
Subject: Are you retarded?
Ok, guess who I'm making fun of, 'Um I likes little kittens cuz they is bunches of snuggle kisses. I write this letter right now and my pants is choked
full of poo. Me kittens is love me.
Any guesses? No?
Any guesses? No?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 25, 2004
Subject: Very Touching
Subject: Very Touching
I really liked this film. It reminds me of the kitty situation up here in New York State where many barns house families of cats making more kittens. No
doubt the same scenario played out in this film is duplicated here in the semi-wild.
In fact my latest addition to my kitty collection came from a barn. He was rescued, neutered, given his shots and landed with me. This film depicted a much kinder situation as compared to barns that are never heated.
I really enjoyed this film and am glad it has been added to the Prelinger Collection. I can't believe it is only instinct that drives the maternal caring the mother provides to her kittens in this film or otherwise. I really think Love makes the world go round.
In fact my latest addition to my kitty collection came from a barn. He was rescued, neutered, given his shots and landed with me. This film depicted a much kinder situation as compared to barns that are never heated.
I really enjoyed this film and am glad it has been added to the Prelinger Collection. I can't believe it is only instinct that drives the maternal caring the mother provides to her kittens in this film or otherwise. I really think Love makes the world go round.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 15, 2004
Subject: An Interesting Experiment
Subject: An Interesting Experiment
I too was drawn to this film by Maya Deren's name on the credits. When I was a film major in the seventies, I saw Deren's famous "experimental" film "Meshes
of the Afternoon" several times in class, and found the strange music and elaborate imagery haunting. (I was also haunted by Maya Deren's apperance in the film. Her beauty was extraordinary.)
It's interesting to think of this film as also experimental, although in a much more modest and true-to-everyday-life way. It seeks to be true to its title, and penetrates farther into the real world of the housecat than any film I've ever seen-- and I should know, I live with no less than FIVE of the furry little bastards!
The total absense of any soundtrack seems to serve this end, since cats do not make music, and, as far as we know, do not comprehend music.
The photography is wonderful, but does the film really show us anything that we can't see from paying close attention to our own pets? I'm not sure. Worth a look.
It's interesting to think of this film as also experimental, although in a much more modest and true-to-everyday-life way. It seeks to be true to its title, and penetrates farther into the real world of the housecat than any film I've ever seen-- and I should know, I live with no less than FIVE of the furry little bastards!
The total absense of any soundtrack seems to serve this end, since cats do not make music, and, as far as we know, do not comprehend music.
The photography is wonderful, but does the film really show us anything that we can't see from paying close attention to our own pets? I'm not sure. Worth a look.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 25, 2004
Subject: Extraordinary
Subject: Extraordinary
The cats seem to function independent of humans--you almost get the feeling it is THEIR apartment; and probably that's how cats feel about where they live.
"Hey, I let him stay here because he feeds us." In any case, this film was a total surprise: you become part of the cats' world and absorb into their new family. Okay, the b&w is a bit grainy, the lightning isn't studio quality. And the point is?... We see life being made here, creation fulfilling itself. THAT is the point. This is a treasurable film.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 17, 2004
Subject: IMPOSSIBLY cute.
Subject: IMPOSSIBLY cute.
Him and Her, two cats, decide to be Mama and Papa cat, after Mama scouts out her birthing location, out pop out 5 kittens, they all look ugly at first,
but hey who doesnt? Soon, they're 5 of the most intolerably cute kittens you've ever seen, soon they're jumping, playing, and learning from their mom and dad about the ways of the cat! Shot perfectly, mixing POV's with shots of the cats, this is a MUST SEE on this site!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 9, 2004
Subject: Excellent
Subject: Excellent
Some of the most fascinating cat footage you'll ever see. The cinematography is excellent, but the filmmakers stay out of the way and let the cats tell
the story. Very highly recommended.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 9, 2003
Subject: Cats are undeniably cool
Subject: Cats are undeniably cool
This silent film is beautifully made. It contains no humans.If you like cats, you'll love it. Especially interesting to see the tom's role in the cat family.
There are 38 reviews for this item. .
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